Viser: The Software Architect Elevator - Redefining the Architect's Role in the Digital Enterprise

The Software Architect Elevator, 1. udgave
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The Software Architect Elevator Vital Source e-bog

Gregor Hohpe
O'Reilly Media, Inc
471,00 kr.
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The Software Architect Elevator - Redefining the Architect's Role in the Digital Enterprise

The Software Architect Elevator

Redefining the Architect's Role in the Digital Enterprise
Gregor Hohpe
Sprog: Engelsk
O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
598,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Inc (April 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781492077497
As the digital economy changes the rules of the game for enterprises, the role of software and IT architects is also transforming. Rather than focus on technical decisions alone, architects and senior technologists need to combine organizational and technical knowledge to effect change in their company’s structure and processes. To accomplish that, they need to connect the IT engine room to the penthouse, where the business strategy is defined. In this guide, author Gregor Hohpe shares real-world advice and hard-learned lessons from actual IT transformations. His anecdotes help architects, senior developers, and other IT professionals prepare for a more complex but rewarding role in the enterprise. This book is ideal for: Software architects and senior developers looking to shape the company’s technology direction or assist in an organizational transformation Enterprise architects and senior technologists searching for practical advice on how to navigate technical and organizational topics CTOs and senior technical architects who are devising an IT strategy that impacts the way the organization works IT managers who want to learn what’s worked and what hasn’t in large-scale transformation
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 365 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated (Maj 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781492077541

As the digital economy changes the rules of the game for enterprises, the role of software and IT architects is also transforming. Rather than focus on technical decisions alone, architects and senior technologists need to combine organizational and technical knowledge to effect change in their company's structure and processes. To accomplish that, they need to connect the IT engine room to the penthouse, where the business strategy is defined.

In this guide, author Gregor Hohpe shares real-world advice and hard-learned lessons from actual IT transformations. His anecdotes help architects, senior developers, and other IT professionals prepare for a more complex but rewarding role in the enterprise.

This book is ideal for:

  • Software architects and senior developers looking to shape the company's technology direction or assist in an organizational transformation
  • Enterprise architects and senior technologists searching for practical advice on how to navigate technical and organizational topics
  • CTOs and senior technical architects who are devising an IT strategy that impacts the way the organization works
  • IT managers who want to learn what's worked and what hasn't in large-scale transformation

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