Viser: Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Digital Marketing Fundamentals, 2. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Digital Marketing Fundamentals Vital Source e-bog

Marjolein Visser, Berend Sikkenga og Mike Berry
Taylor & Francis
537,00 kr. 483,30 kr.
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Digital Marketing Fundamentals, 2. udgave

Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Taylor & Francis Group
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
568,00 kr. 511,20 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Juli 2021)
  • Forfattere: Marjolein Visser, Berend Sikkenga og Mike Berry
  • ISBN: 9781000442915
Digital Marketing Fundamentals is the first fully-fledged textbook on digital marketing that covers the entire marketing process. Both the scientific theory behind digital marketing as well as techniques and media are discussed. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is easy to read and contains many International examples and cases. The Dutch version of this book (Basisboek Online Marketing) has become a standard issue in The Netherlands. In this book, all relevant aspects of digital marketing are addressed: strategic aspects, market research, product development and realisation, branding, customer acquisition, customer loyalty and order processing. The book also discusses effective websites and apps, digital analytics and planning and organisation. The application of social media and mobile communication is seamlessly integrated into the topics. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is very suitable for commercial and management courses in Higher Education and also for professionals active in digital marketing.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 650 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (Juni 2021)
  • ISBN: 9789001749842
Digital Marketing Fundamentals is the first fully-fledged textbook on digital marketing that covers the entire marketing process. Both the scientific theory behind digital marketing as well as techniques and media are discussed. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is easy to read and contains many International examples and cases. The Dutch version of this book (Basisboek Online Marketing) has become a standard issue in The Netherlands.

In this book, all relevant aspects of digital marketing are addressed: strategic aspects, market research, product development and realisation, branding, customer acquisition, customer loyalty and order processing. The book also discusses effective websites and apps, digital analytics and planning and organisation. The application of social media and mobile communication is seamlessly integrated into the topics.

Digital Marketing Fundamentals is very suitable for commercial and management courses in Higher Education and also for professionals active in digital marketing.
1. Digital Marketing (Case: Digital Marketing at Marriott)
2. Strategy and Business Models (Case: Cleartrip)
3. Market Sensing (Case: How Alibaba benefits from Singles Day)
4. Product Realisation (Case: Hire your neighbour's car with SnappCar)
5. Customer acquisition: digital brand communications (Case: Digital Brand communications at Patagonia)
6. Customer acquisition: recruiting visitors through owned or earned channels (Case: Samsung UK targets SMEs)
7. Customer acquisition: recruiting visitors through paid channels (Case: Under Armour ecommerce, Google Shopping)
8. Customer acquisition: sales and pricing (Case: ASOS)
9. Order processing (Case: IKEA focuses on customer experience and self-service)
10. Customer relationship management (Case: Fashion brand Diane von Furstenberg makes customers feel special)
11. Designing effective websites and apps (Case: An International Marketing Award for the Anne Frank Foundation)
12. Digital analytics (Case: Digital Analytics in practice at Van der Valk Hotels)
13. Planning and organisation (Case: Online food delivery service Deliveroo)

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