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Viser: Unlocking the Universe

Unlocking the Universe

Unlocking the Universe

Stephen Hawking og Lucy Hawking
Sprog: Engelsk
Penguin Books, Limited
135,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 448 sider
  • Udgiver: Penguin Books, Limited (August 2021)
  • Forfattere: Stephen Hawking og Lucy Hawking
  • ISBN: 9780241481486

Discover the universe in a nutshell, with chapters on everything from the creation of the universe to time travel to the future of humanity, all in an easy-to-read, illustrated package.

Have you ever wondered how our universe began?
Or what it takes to put humans on the moon?
Do you know what happens in the microscopic world of a life-saving vaccine?
What would you do if you could travel through space and time?

Embark on the adventure of a lifetime in this beautiful collection of up-to-the-minute essays, mind-blowing facts and out-of-this-world colour photographs, by the world's leading scientists including Professor Stephen Hawking himself.

This unmissable volume was curated by Stephen and Lucy Hawking, whose George series of children's books was a global hit. The series is punctuated with fascinating real-life facts and insights from leading scientists.

Now this incredible non-fiction has been collected into one bumper volume, with new content from key scientific figures and up-to-the-minute facts and figures for readers young and old.

The ideal book for curious young readers everywhere.


"Despite its scientific content the essays are written in a very accessible style and the many topics investigated which range from the physical explanations of the universe to earth science to robotics and future predictions. Highly recommended for curious minds from around 10 years upwards" - Sue Warren, Blogger

"My 9 y.o. loves this book. We've previously discussed a lot of the concepts, but this seems to answer questions I hadn't thought of, but my son wanted to know"

"A glorious scientific gaze at our world, and the universe beyond in a fact-filled volume that will keep curious kids occupied for ages" - ReadItDaddy blog

"An excellent book that will do wonders to raise enthusiasm for science among young and old readers alike" - Jonali Karmakar, Blogger

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