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Viser: Military Adaptation in War - With Fear of Change

Military Adaptation in War, 1. udgave
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Military Adaptation in War Vital Source e-bog

Williamson Murray
Cambridge University Press
534,00 kr.
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Military Adaptation in War
Søgbar e-bog

Military Adaptation in War Vital Source e-bog

Williamson Murray
Cambridge University Press
534,00 kr.
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Military Adaptation in War

Military Adaptation in War Vital Source e-bog

Williamson Murray
Cambridge University Press
427,00 kr.
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Military Adaptation in War, 1. udgave

Military Adaptation in War Vital Source e-bog

Williamson Murray
Cambridge University Press
427,00 kr.
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Military Adaptation in War - With Fear of Change

Military Adaptation in War

With Fear of Change
Williamson Murray
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
575,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Oktober 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781139904179
Military Adaptation in War addresses one of the most persistent problems that military organizations confront: namely, the problem of how to adapt under the trying, terrifying conditions of war. This work builds on the volume that Professor Williamson Murray edited with Allan Millett on military innovation (a quite different issue, though similar in some respects). In Clausewitzian terms, war is a contest, an interactive duel, which is of indeterminate length and presents a series of intractable problems at every level, from policy and strategy down to the tactical. Moreover, the fact that the enemy is adapting at the same time presents military organizations with an ever-changing set of conundrums that offer up no easy solutions. As the British general, James Wolfe, suggested before Quebec: 'War is an option of difficulties'. Dr Murray provides an in-depth analysis of the problems that military forces confront in adapting to these difficulties.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Oktober 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781139898232
Military Adaptation in War addresses one of the most persistent problems that military organizations confront: namely, the problem of how to adapt under the trying, terrifying conditions of war. This work builds on the volume that Professor Williamson Murray edited with Allan Millett on military innovation (a quite different issue, though similar in some respects). In Clausewitzian terms, war is a contest, an interactive duel, which is of indeterminate length and presents a series of intractable problems at every level, from policy and strategy down to the tactical. Moreover, the fact that the enemy is adapting at the same time presents military organizations with an ever-changing set of conundrums that offer up no easy solutions. As the British general, James Wolfe, suggested before Quebec: 'War is an option of difficulties'. Dr Murray provides an in-depth analysis of the problems that military forces confront in adapting to these difficulties.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Oktober 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781139898232R180
Military Adaptation in War addresses one of the most persistent problems that military organizations confront: namely, the problem of how to adapt under the trying, terrifying conditions of war. This work builds on the volume that Professor Williamson Murray edited with Allan Millett on military innovation (a quite different issue, though similar in some respects). In Clausewitzian terms, war is a contest, an interactive duel, which is of indeterminate length and presents a series of intractable problems at every level, from policy and strategy down to the tactical. Moreover, the fact that the enemy is adapting at the same time presents military organizations with an ever-changing set of conundrums that offer up no easy solutions. As the British general, James Wolfe, suggested before Quebec: 'War is an option of difficulties'. Dr Murray provides an in-depth analysis of the problems that military forces confront in adapting to these difficulties.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Oktober 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781139904179R180
Military Adaptation in War addresses one of the most persistent problems that military organizations confront: namely, the problem of how to adapt under the trying, terrifying conditions of war. This work builds on the volume that Professor Williamson Murray edited with Allan Millett on military innovation (a quite different issue, though similar in some respects). In Clausewitzian terms, war is a contest, an interactive duel, which is of indeterminate length and presents a series of intractable problems at every level, from policy and strategy down to the tactical. Moreover, the fact that the enemy is adapting at the same time presents military organizations with an ever-changing set of conundrums that offer up no easy solutions. As the British general, James Wolfe, suggested before Quebec: 'War is an option of difficulties'. Dr Murray provides an in-depth analysis of the problems that military forces confront in adapting to these difficulties.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Print: 5 sider kan printes ad gangen
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 352 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Oktober 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781107006591
Military Adaptation in War addresses one of the most persistent problems that military organizations confront: namely, the problem of how to adapt under the trying, terrifying conditions of war. This work builds on the volume that Professor Williamson Murray edited with Allan Millett on military innovation (a quite different issue, though similar in some respects). In Clausewitzian terms, war is a contest, an interactive duel, which is of indeterminate length and presents a series of intractable problems at every level, from policy and strategy down to the tactical. Moreover, the fact that the enemy is adapting at the same time presents military organizations with an ever-changing set of conundrums that offer up no easy solutions. As the British general, James Wolfe, suggested before Quebec: 'War is an option of difficulties'. Dr Murray provides an in-depth analysis of the problems that military forces confront in adapting to these difficulties.
1. Introduction: the background to military adaptation;
2. The historical framework of adaptation;
3. Complex adaptation: the Western front 1914-1918;
4. Flawed adaptation: German adaptation and the opening battles of World War II;
5. The battle for the British Isles: June 1940-May 1941;
6. Adaptation in the air war: RAF bomber command and Luftwaffe's air defenses (15 May 1940 to 7 May 1945);
7. The 1973 Yom Kippur War;
8. Conclusion: adaptation and the future.
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