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Viser: Effective Data Storytelling - How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals

Effective Data Storytelling, 1. udgave
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Effective Data Storytelling Vital Source e-bog

Brent Dykes
John Wiley & Sons
298,00 kr. 268,20 kr.
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Effective Data Storytelling - How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals

Effective Data Storytelling

How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals
Brent Dykes
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
298,00 kr. 268,20 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (December 2019)
  • ISBN: 9781119615729

Master the art and science of data storytelling--with frameworks and techniques to help you craft compelling stories with data.

The ability to effectively communicate with data is no longer a luxury in today’s economy; it is a necessity. Transforming data into visual communication is only one part of the picture. It is equally important to engage your audience with a narrative--to tell a story with the numbers. Effective Data Storytelling will teach you the essential skills necessary to communicate your insights through persuasive and memorable data stories.

Narratives are more powerful than raw statistics, more enduring than pretty charts. When done correctly, data stories can influence decisions and drive change. Most other books focus only on data visualization while neglecting the powerful narrative and psychological aspects of telling stories with data. Author Brent Dykes shows you how to take the three central elements of data storytelling--data, narrative, and visuals--and combine them for maximum effectiveness. Taking a comprehensive look at all the elements of data storytelling, this unique book will enable you to:

  • Transform your insights and data visualizations into appealing, impactful data stories
  • Learn the fundamental elements of a data story and key audience drivers
  • Understand the differences between how the brain processes facts and narrative
  • Structure your findings as a data narrative, using a four-step storyboarding process
  • Incorporate the seven essential principles of better visual storytelling into your work
  • Avoid common data storytelling mistakes by learning from historical and modern examples

Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals is a must-have resource for anyone who communicates regularly with data, including business professionals, analysts, marketers, salespeople, financial managers, and educators.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 336 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (Januar 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781119615712
Master the art and science of data storytelling—with frameworks and techniques to help you craft compelling stories with data.

The ability to effectively communicate with data is no longer a luxury in today’s economy; it is a necessity. Transforming data into visual communication is only one part of the picture.

It is equally important to engage your audience with a narrative—to tell a story with the numbers. Effective Data Storytelling will teach you the essential skills necessary to communicate your insights through persuasive and memorable data stories.

Narratives are more powerful than raw statistics, more enduring than pretty charts. When done correctly, data stories can influence decisions and drive change. Most other books focus only on data visualization while neglecting the powerful narrative and psychological aspects of telling stories with data. Author Brent Dykes shows you how to take the three central elements of data storytelling—data, narrative, and visuals—and combine them for maximum effectiveness. Taking a comprehensive look at all the elements of data storytelling, this unique book will enable you to:

  • Transform your insights and data visualizations into appealing, impactful data stories
  • Learn the fundamental elements of a data story and key audience drivers
  • Understand the differences between how the brain processes facts and narrative
  • Structure your findings as a data narrative, using a four-step storyboarding process
  • Incorporate the seven essential principles of better visual storytelling into your work
  • Avoid common data storytelling mistakes by learning from historical and modern examples

    Effective Data Storytelling: How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals is a must-have resource for anyone who communicates regularly with data, including business professionals, analysts, marketers, salespeople, financial managers, and educators.
  • Foreword ix Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii
    Chapter 1 Introduction to Driving Change through Insight 1
    Chapter 2 Why Tell Stories with Data? 21
    Chapter 3 The Psychology of Data Storytelling 47
    Chapter 4 The Anatomy of a Data Story 81
    Chapter 5 Data: The Foundation of Your Data Story 121
    Chapter 6 Narrative: The Structure of Your Data Story 157
    Chapter 7 Visuals (
    Part 1): Setting the Scenes of Your Data Story 195
    Chapter 8 Visuals (
    Part 2): Polishing the Scenes of Your Data Story 229
    Chapter 9 Crafting Your Own Data Story 265 About the Author 305 About the Website 307 Index 309
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