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Viser: Print and Specifications Reading for Construction

Print and Specifications Reading for Construction, 2. udgave

Print and Specifications Reading for Construction

Ron Russell
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
1.199,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 240 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Marts 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781394202553

Updated guidance for accurately interpreting graphic and written construction documents, including commercial ones

Print and Specifications Reading for Construction is an easy-to-understand yet comprehensive manual on how to interpret construction documents, including the often quite complicated construction specifications for commercial building projects, covering both the graphic and written sets and demonstrating how they relate to each other.

Complete sets of construction documents for three actual building projects are available on the book companion website. Practice questions and exercises are included throughout the text to aid in seamless reader comprehension and information retention.

Written by a highly qualified author with more than three decades of experience in the field, Print and Specifications Reading for Construction includes information on:

  • Basics of construction plan reading and relevant terminology, including architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and civil drawings and specifications
  • Use of schematics in today's construction environment, and updates on soils and structural members
  • Terminology and practical applications of BIM and sustainability, and clearly illustrated descriptions of various structural members
  • Real construction problems in large-scale residential and commercial projects via included sample sets

Covering both print reading and key construction specifications, Print and Specifications Reading for Construction is an easy-to-understand, accessible, and completely comprehensive guide on the subject for students in construction management and construction technology programs.

About the Companion Website x Introduction xi Section I The Project Process 1
Chapter 1 Evolution of the Construction Project 3
Chapter 2 Construction Project Contract Documents 21
Chapter 3 Working Drawings 31
Chapter 4 Specifications 59
Chapter 5 Specification Users 59 Section II Building the Project 87
Chapter 6 Architectural Category of the Drawings 89
Chapter 7 Structural Category of the Drawings 131
Chapter 8 Mechanical Category of the Drawings 159
Chapter 9 Electrical Category of the Drawings 173
Chapter 10 Plumbing Category of the Drawings 187
Chapter 11 Civil/Sitework Category of the Drawings 203 Glossary 219 Index 227 Civil Drawings 204 Architects Site Plans 214 Mep Drawings 214 Summary 217
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