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Viser: ChatGPT for Dummies

ChatGPT For Dummies, 1. udgave
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ChatGPT For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Pam Baker
John Wiley & Sons
168,00 kr.
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ChatGPT for Dummies

ChatGPT for Dummies

Pam Baker
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
159,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Maj 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781394204656

Learn how the disruptive AI chatbot is going to change school, work, and beyond

ChatGPT For Dummies demystifies the artificial intelligence tool that can answer questions, write essays, and generate just about any kind of text it’s asked for. This powerful example of generative AI is widely predicted to upend education and business. In this book, you’ll learn how ChatGPT works and how you can operate it in a way that yields satisfactory results. You’ll also explore the ethics of using AI-generated content for various purposes. Written by a journalist who's been on the front lines of artificial intelligence for over a decade, this book dives deep into ChatGPT’s potential, so you can make informed decisions--without asking ChatGPT for help.

  • Learn how ChatGPT works and how it fits into the world of generative AI
  • Harness the power of ChatGPT to help you, and avoid letting it hinder you
  • Write queries that deliver the kind of response you want
  • Take a look into how the ChatGPT API interacts with other tools and platforms

This just-in-time Dummies title is perfect for anyone life or career may be impacted by ChatGPT and other AI. ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg, and this book can help you prepare for the future.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 176 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Juni 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781394204632

Learn how the disruptive AI chatbot is going to change school, work, and beyond

ChatGPT For Dummies demystifies the artificial intelligence tool that can answer questions, write essays, and generate just about any kind of text it's asked for. This powerful example of generative AI is widely predicted to upend education and business. In this book, you'll learn how ChatGPT works and how you can operate it in a way that yields satisfactory results. You'll also explore the ethics of using AI-generated content for various purposes. Written by a journalist who's been on the front lines of artificial intelligence for over a decade, this book dives deep into ChatGPT's potential, so you can make informed decisions--without asking ChatGPT for help.

  • Learn how ChatGPT works and how it fits into the world of generative AI
  • Harness the power of ChatGPT to help you, and avoid letting it hinder you
  • Write queries that deliver the kind of response you want
  • Take a look into how the ChatGPT API interacts with other tools and platforms

This just-in-time Dummies title is perfect for any life or career may be impacted by ChatGPT and other AI. ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg, and this book can help you prepare for the future.

Introduction 1 About This Book 1 Foolish Assumptions 2 Icons Used in This Book 3 Beyond the Book 3 Where to Go from Here 3
Chapter 1: Introducing ChatGPT 5 Setting Up an Account 6 Comparing ChatGPT, Search Engines, and Analytics 7 Understanding What ChatGPT Is and Isn''t 9 Unwrapping ChatGPT fears 10 Competing with ChatGPT for your job 12 Redefining the Chatbot with ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus 14 Comparing the two versions 16 Sampling its many uses 16 Discovering other forms of GPT 18 Grabbing Headlines and Disrupting Businesses 20 Grokking that ChatGPT is a harbinger of exponential change 20 Weighing the initial effect on existing businesses and industries 21 Bracing for future upheaval 22 Breaking the spell of heartless machine overlords 23 Opening the Door for Bigger AI Products 24 Categorizing types of Generative AI 24 Understanding ChatGPT''s creator, OpenAI 25
Chapter 2: Discovering How ChatGPT Works 27 What''s Different About ChatGPT 27 Peeking at the ChatGPT Architecture 29 Discovering the supercomputer and GPUs underneath 29 Considering the importance of transformers 31 Setting the stage: training the model 32 Grasping the importance of the dialogue format 34 Pondering ChatGPT''s limitations 34 Increasing the Number of Versions and Integrations 37 Glimpsing ChatGPT in Microsoft add-ins 40 Mainstreaming ChatGPT via the power of an API 41 Checking out early ChatGPT API adopters 42 Expanding the field of extensions 43 Building New Businesses Based on ChatGPT 44
Chapter 3: Writing Prompts for ChatGPT 47 Prompting Basics 48 Starting a chat 50 Reviewing your chat history and more 52 Understanding Prompt Engineering 54 Circumventing Token Limits and User History Storage Issues 55 Thinking in Threads 57 Chaining Prompts and Other Tips and Strategies 58
Chapter 4: Understanding GPT Models in ChatGPT 61 Summarizing Model Progress 61 Comparing GPT-4 to Earlier ChatGPT Models 62 Choosing ChatGPT Models 64 Learning about GPT-4 Advancements 67 Adjusting to GPT-4''s Limitations 68
Chapter 5: Warnings, Ethics, and Responsible AI 71 Making Responsible AI 71 Troubling developments 72 Protecting humans from humans using AI 74 Understanding the good, the bad, and the ugly 75 Heeding OpenAI Warnings 75 Considering Copyright and IP Protections 77 Searching for Predictability 78 Reaching for reliability 78 Hallucinating versus accuracy 79 Humanizing the machine 81 Mitigating Risks and Liability 83
Chapter 6: Probing Professional and Other Uses for ChatGPT 87 Finding ChatGPT Embedded in Software 88 Locating ChatGPT in business software 88 Integrating with everything, everywhere, all at once 93 Zooming in on ChatGPT in virtual meetings 95 Letting ChatGPT summarize and translate 96 Searching for ChatGPT in other applications 97 Seeing ChatGPT in AR, VR, and the Metaverse 99 Discovering ChatGPT in search engines 101 Coding with ChatGPT and Copilot X 103 Learning Where to Use ChatGPT for Marketing 105 Retrieving Smart Answers for HR 106 Harnessing ChatGPT in Legal 106 Storytelling in Journalism 108 Consulting ChatGPT in Healthcare 109 Cashing In on ChatGPT in Finance 110
Chapter 7: Working with ChatGPT in Education 111 Flipping Critical Thinking to a New Learning Model 112 Leveraging ChatGPT to Aid Overworked Educators 115 Changing How Subjects Are Taught 117 Banning ChatGPT Stifles Education 120
Chapter 8: Using ChatGPT in Daily Life 121 Dying Keywords 121 Moving from Information Search to Knowledge Assistants 123 Living with Misinformation and Manipulation 126 Narrowing Options 127
Chapter 9: Recognizing the Ways ChatGPT and Generative AI Will Change the World 129 Understanding What Is and Isn''t of Real Concern 130 Measuring the Good and Bad in ChatGPT 130 Weighing Job Threats and Other ChatGPT Liabilities 131 Sampling the Disruptions Ahead 132
Chapter 10: Ten Other Generative AI Tools to Try 135 DALL-E and DALL-E 2 136 DeepL Write and DeepL Translator 138 Cedille 139 Notion AI 141 YouChat 142 ChatSonic 143 Poe 144 Jasper 146 Durable 146 God Mode 148 Index 151
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