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Viser: Facilities @ Management - Concept, Realization, Vision - a Global Perspective

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Facilities @ Management Vital Source e-bog

Edmond Rondeau
John Wiley & Sons
773,00 kr.
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Facilities @ Management - Concept, Realization, Vision - a Global Perspective

Facilities @ Management

Concept, Realization, Vision - a Global Perspective
Edmond P. Rondeau og Michaela Hellerforth
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
850,00 kr.
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Januar 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781394213306
Facilities @ Management

Reference work describing the evolution of Facilities Management from a global perspective as experienced by the leaders in the field

With valuable insights from over fifty diverse contributors from all around the world, Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective describes the evolution of the Facilities Management (FM) internationally, discussing the past, present, and future of a profession that has grown significantly over the last forty years. The contributors are made up of industry professionals, many of whom are the founders of the profession, and members from academia teaching future FM leaders.

This edited work is a Facilities Management anthology, with a focus on reviewing the origin of the industry through best practices and lessons learned from some of the sharpest minds in the field.

Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective includes information on:

  • Handling legal compliance, strategic policies, and overall best practices to ensure a successful career in the field
  • Understanding practical guidance for the role of Facilities Management in the world’s biggest challenges, including sustainability and climate change
  • Building systems and equipment through strong technical knowledge, project management, and communication and interpersonal skills
  • Managing a diverse range of stakeholders and contractors and adapting to changing technologies, regulatory requirements, and socio-political and ecological challenges

With unique firsthand insight, including case studies, from thought leaders in FM from 16 countries around the world, this book is ideal for practicing FM professionals as well as students and researchers involved in the field.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 560 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Februar 2024)
  • Forfattere: Edmond P. Rondeau og Michaela Hellerforth
  • ISBN: 9781394213283

Reference work describing the evolution of facilities management from a global perspective as experienced by the leaders in the field

With valuable insights from over fifty diverse contributors from all around the world, Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective describes the evolution of the facilities management (FM) industry from a global perspective, discussing the past, present, and future of a profession that has grown significantly over the last forty years. The contributors are made up of industry professionals, many of whom are the founders of the profession, and members from academia who are responsible for teaching future FM leaders.

This edited work is a facilities management origin anthology, but it also reviews the current state of the industry through best practices and lessons learned from some of the sharpest minds in the field

Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective includes information on:

  • Handling legal compliance, strategic policies, and overall best practices to ensure a successful career in the field
  • Understanding practical guidance for the role of facilities management in the world's biggest challenges, including sustainability and climate change.
  • Building systems and equipment through strong technical knowledge, project management, and communication and interpersonal skills
  • Managing a diverse range of stakeholders and contractors and adapting to changing technologies, regulatory requirements, and sociopolitical challenges

With unique firsthand insight, including case studies, from thought leaders in FM from around the world, Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective is ideal for practicing FM professionals as well as students and researchers involved in the field.

Foreword xi Preface xiii Acknowledgments xvii 1 Contributors: Concept 1
1.1 When and How "Facility Management" Became an Identified and Needed Profession 3 David L. Armstrong (USA)
1.2 "In the Beginning of FM..." 13 William W. ''Bill'' Back Jr. (USA)
1.3 The Birth of FM and IFMA 19 Mary Day Gauer (USA)
1.4 The Birth of Facility Management and IFMA 23 Melvin R. Schlitt (USA)
1.5 Beginnings 31 Eric Teicholz (USA)
1.6 FM in the Beginning 43 Christine H. Tobin (formerly Neldon) (USA)
1.7 The Beginning of Facility Management (FM) in Germany: From My Very Personal Point of View 51 Günter Neumann (Germany)
1.8 FM Down Under 61 Duncan Waddell (Australia) 2 Contributors: Realization 67
2.1 My Facility Management Journey: Lessons Learned 69 Edmond P. Rondeau (USA)
2.2 The Institution Bauakademie in the Course of Time and Its Current Potential for Change 83 Karin Albert (Germany)
2.3 Structured Growth of Facilities Management in China (1992-2022) 93 Yu Qingxin (China)
2.4 40 Years of Facility Management 103 Philip Lo (Hong Kong/China)
2.5 Missional Journey Toward Raising the Recognition of Facilities Management as a Business Advantage to Organizations in Singapore 111 Steven Ee (Singapore)
2.6 The Austrian Success Model of Excellent Facility Management Education and Proactive Work by Professional Associations 117 Thomas Madritsch (Austria)
2.7 A Perspective on Facilities Management (FM) 131 Stormy Friday (USA)
2.8 My 40-Year Odyssey in Facilities Management 137 Phyllis Meng (USA)
2.9 How to Make Good Facility Decisions 143 Barry Lynch (USA)
2.10 FM Maturity: Research, Standards, and Influence 155 Kathy O. Roper (USA)
2.11 FM Transformation in High-Tech Industries and Global FM Update 161 John Carrillo (USA)
2.12 The Development of Facility Management in Hong Kong: A Personal Reflection 169 John D. Gilleard (Hong Kong)
2.13 Forty Years of FM - From a German Perspective 175 Jochen Abel (Germany)
2.14 *ATTA GIRL*One Woman''s Portfolio Life in the Built Environment 185 Nancy J. Sanquist (USA)
2.15 Facility Management Education: Personal Journeys of Facility Management Educators and Researchers 199 Eunhwa Yang (USA), Jun Ha Kim (South Korea), and Matthew Tucker (England)
2.16 The Acceptance of FM and IFMA 207 Doug Aldrich (USA)
2.17 Academic Career Paths in Real Estate and Facility Management - a Personal Experience Report 213 Antje Junghans (Switzerland)
2.18 Review of FM in LatAm 223 Norma Pleitez and Eduardo Becerril (Mexico)
2.19 About the Many Human Factors in Facilities Management 229 Christine Sasse (Germany)
2.20 How Did I Get Into Facility Management? 237 Jürgen Schneider (Germany)
2.21 Data Structuring of CAD Drawings - My First Contact with FM 243 Alexander Redlein (Austria)
2.22 How I Became Aware of and Became Active in Facility Management (FM) in Brazil 253 Aleksander C. Gomes (Brazil)
2.23 Irene''s FM Journey "Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone." Neale Donald Walsch 259 Irene Thomas-Johnson (USA)
2.24 "My Way" - My Way to Facility Management 265 Annelie Casper (Germany)
2.25 Journey into FM 271 Stan Mitchell (Scotland)
2.26 How I Came to FM 279 Karin Schaad (Switzerland)
2.27 Impact of Global Trends on Real Estate and Facility Management 287 Sabine Georgi (Germany)
2.28 My Episode with Facility Management 299 Rainer Fischbach (Germany)
2.29 FM a Summary 305 Michaela Hellerforth (Germany)
2.30 My Path to Facility Management and Facility Management 309 Albert Pilger (Austria) 3 Contributors: Vision 315
3.1 50 Years in the Industry - Leadership Lessons Learned 317 Alex Lam (Canada)
3.2 Facilities Management Industry-Student Partnership - an Exploratory Study 329 Parminder Juneja (USA)
3.3 Four Questions for Forty Years of FM 339 Barry Varcoe (England)
3.4 Facility Management Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow 349 Klaus Zapotoczky (Austria)
3.5 We Are All Jugglers. Still. 359 Fred Kloet (Netherlands)
3.6 On the Brink of Change 361 Mark P. Mobach (Netherlands)
3.7 Workplace Evolution in Ireland and Beyond 377 Bernie Gorman (Ireland)
3.8 The Role of Facility Management in the Wake of Global Resource Scarcity 381 Christin Kuchenbecker and Andreas Kühne (Germany)
3.9 Paying It Forward Through the IFMA Foundation 395 Diane Levine (USA)
3.10 Facility Management: Whence It Cometh, Whither It Goeth? 405 John Adams (USA)
3.11 Integration of Business and User-Centered Corporate Real Estate and Facilities Management 411 Theo van der Voordt (Netherlands)
3.12 My FM Path and Spelling and Defining Facilities Management and Facility Manager Holistically 425 Audrey L. Schultz (USA)
3.13 The Genesis of MIT''s Creation of the World''s First Comprehensive Facilities Management System and Later Creation of the Nonprofit INSITE Consortium 437 Kreon L. Cyros (USA)
3.14 Evolution of Facility Management and Its Merging in a Pattern of Industrial Sustainability and Resilience Perspectives - Experiences - Views 445 Henning Balck (Germany)
3.15 The Robert L. Preger Intelligent Workplace a Transformative Living Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University 465 Volker Hartkopf and Vivian Loftness (USA) 4 Summary and FM Outlook 487 Appendix A: Facility Management (FM) Associations 495 Appendix B: Facility Management (FM) Education 501 Appendix C: Co-Editors and Co-Initiators 513 Appendix D: Glossary 519 Index 529
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