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Viser: Defensive Security Handbook - Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure

Defensive Security Handbook, 1. udgave
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Defensive Security Handbook Vital Source e-bog

Lee Brotherston og Amanda Berlin
O'Reilly Media, Inc
369,00 kr.
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Defensive Security Handbook - Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure

Defensive Security Handbook

Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure
Lee Brotherston og Amanda Berlin
Sprog: Engelsk
O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
495,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Inc (April 2017)
  • Forfattere: Lee Brotherston og Amanda Berlin
  • ISBN: 9781491960332
Despite the increase of high-profile hacks, record-breaking data leaks, and ransomware attacks, many organizations don’t have the budget to establish or outsource an information security (InfoSec) program, forcing them to learn on the job. For companies obliged to improvise, this pragmatic guide provides a security-101 handbook with steps, tools, processes, and ideas to help you drive maximum-security improvement at little or no cost. Each chapter in this book provides step-by-step instructions for dealing with a specific issue, including breaches and disasters, compliance, network infrastructure and password management, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing, among others. Network engineers, system administrators, and security professionals will learn tools and techniques to help improve security in sensible, manageable chunks. Learn fundamentals of starting or redesigning an InfoSec program Create a base set of policies, standards, and procedures Plan and design incident response, disaster recovery, compliance, and physical security Bolster Microsoft and Unix systems, network infrastructure, and password management Use segmentation practices and designs to compartmentalize your network Explore automated process and tools for vulnerability management Securely develop code to reduce exploitable errors Understand basic penetration testing concepts through purple teaming Delve into IDS, IPS, SOC, logging, and monitoring
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 282 sider
  • Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated (Maj 2017)
  • Forfattere: Lee Brotherston og Amanda Berlin
  • ISBN: 9781491960387

Despite the increase of high-profile hacks, record-breaking data leaks, and ransomware attacks, many organizations don't have the budget to establish or outsource an information security (InfoSec) program, forcing them to learn on the job. For companies obliged to improvise, this pragmatic guide provides a security-101 handbook with steps, tools, processes, and ideas to help you drive maximum-security improvement at little or no cost.

Each chapter in this book provides step-by-step instructions for dealing with a specific issue, including breaches and disasters, compliance, network infrastructure and password management, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing, among others. Network engineers, system administrators, and security professionals will learn tools and techniques to help improve security in sensible, manageable chunks.

  • Learn fundamentals of starting or redesigning an InfoSec program
  • Create a base set of policies, standards, and procedures
  • Plan and design incident response, disaster recovery, compliance, and physical security
  • Bolster Microsoft and Unix systems, network infrastructure, and password management
  • Use segmentation practices and designs to compartmentalize your network
  • Explore automated process and tools for vulnerability management
  • Securely develop code to reduce exploitable errors
  • Understand basic penetration testing concepts through purple teaming
  • Delve into IDS, IPS, SOC, logging, and monitoring
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