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Viser: Managing and Organizations - An Introduction to Theory and Practice

Managing and Organizations, 6. udgave
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Managing and Organizations Vital Source e-bog

Stewart R. Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis og Matthew Mount
Sage Publishing
632,00 kr.
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Managing and Organizations, 6. udgave

Managing and Organizations Vital Source e-bog

Stewart R. Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis og Matthew Mount
Sage Publishing
438,00 kr.
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Managing and Organizations - An Introduction to Theory and Practice, 6. udgave

Managing and Organizations

An Introduction to Theory and Practice
Stewart R. Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis og Matthew Mount
Sprog: Engelsk
SAGE Publications, Limited
771,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Vital Source E-book
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (Oktober 2021)
  • Forfattere: Stewart R. Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis og Matthew Mount
  • ISBN: 9781529776102
Covering all the basics in organizational behaviour, as well critically reflecting on the institutions and practices of business life, the sixth edition of Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice has been updated to include: ·        Cutting-edge content on diversity and inclusion, design thinking, followership and deglobalization ·        New and updated 'In Practice' boxes offering real-world examples ·        Engaging case studies, such as How to start decolonising your business, Power and empathy and How COVID-19 has changed university teaching ·        New ‘Additional Resources’ in each chapter This textbook is essential reading for anyone studying organizational behaviour at undergraduate or postgraduate level. A wealth of online resources for both students and lecturers, including a fully revised Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides and additional case studies, are available via the companion website.  Stewart Clegg is Professor at the University of Stavanger, Norway; University of Sydney and Emeritus Professor at University of Technology Sydney, Australia Tyrone S. Pitsis is Professor of Strategy, Technology & Society at Durham University Business School. Matt Mount is Assistant Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Deakin Business School, Melbourne.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Sage Publishing (Oktober 2021)
  • Forfattere: Stewart R. Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis og Matthew Mount
  • ISBN: 9781529776102R180
Covering all the basics in organizational behaviour, as well critically reflecting on the institutions and practices of business life, the sixth edition of Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice has been updated to include: ·        Cutting-edge content on diversity and inclusion, design thinking, followership and deglobalization ·        New and updated 'In Practice' boxes offering real-world examples ·        Engaging case studies, such as How to start decolonising your business, Power and empathy and How COVID-19 has changed university teaching ·        New ‘Additional Resources’ in each chapter This textbook is essential reading for anyone studying organizational behaviour at undergraduate or postgraduate level. A wealth of online resources for both students and lecturers, including a fully revised Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides and additional case studies, are available via the companion website.  Stewart Clegg is Professor at the University of Stavanger, Norway; University of Sydney and Emeritus Professor at University of Technology Sydney, Australia Tyrone S. Pitsis is Professor of Strategy, Technology & Society at Durham University Business School. Matt Mount is Assistant Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Deakin Business School, Melbourne.
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Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 6. Udgave
  • Paperback: 584 sider
  • Udgiver: SAGE Publications, Limited (December 2021)
  • Forfattere: Stewart R. Clegg, Tyrone S. Pitsis og Matthew Mount
  • ISBN: 9781529763881

Covering all the basics in organizational behaviour, as well critically reflecting on the institutions and practices of business life, the sixth edition of Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice has been updated to include:

·        Cutting-edge content on diversity and inclusion, design thinking, followership and deglobalization ·        New and updated ′In Practice′ boxes offering real-world examples

·        Engaging case studies, such as How to start decolonising your business, Power and empathy and How COVID-19 has changed university teaching

·        New 'Additional Resources' in each chapter

This textbook is essential reading for anyone studying organizational behaviour at undergraduate or postgraduate level.

A wealth of online resources for both students and lecturers, including a fully revised Instructor's Manual, PowerPoint slides and additional case studies, are available via the companion website. 

Stewart Clegg is Professor at the University of Stavanger, Norway; University of Sydney and Emeritus Professor at University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Tyrone S. Pitsis is Professor of Strategy, Technology & Society at Durham University Business School.

Matt Mount is Assistant Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Deakin Business School, Melbourne.

Part One Managing People in OrganizationsChapter 1 Managing and OrganizationsChapter 2 Managing IndividualsChapter 3 Managing Teams and GroupsChapter 4 Managing LeadershipPart Two Managing Organizational PracticesChapter 5 Managing CulturesChapter 6 Managing ConflictChapter 7 Managing Power, Politics and Decision-makingChapter 8 Managing CommunicationsPart Three Managing Organizational Processes and StructuresChapter 9 Managing Knowledge and LearningChapter 10 Managing Innovation and ChangeChapter 11 Managing Ethically and SustainablyChapter 12 Managing Organizational DesignChapter 13 Managing Globalization
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