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Viser: Novel Materials and Water Purification - Towards a Sustainable Future

Novel Materials and Water Purification, 1. udgave
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Novel Materials and Water Purification Vital Source e-bog

Royal Society of Chemistry
2.618,00 kr.
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Novel Materials and Water Purification - Towards a Sustainable Future

Novel Materials and Water Purification

Towards a Sustainable Future
Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos og Miltiadis G. Zamparas
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
2.352,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry (Februar 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781837671670
Billions of people globally live under conditions of water stress and water shortage, or with contaminated water sources. Anthropogenic contaminants pose an extra challenge as water purification technology must be constantly developed or upgraded to deal with newly fabricated pollutants. One of the UN sustainable development goals is to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Therefore, it is vital to develop novel materials and technologies for producing clean drinking water in a human safe, economically reasonable and environmentally sustainable way. Novel Materials and Water Purification introduces recent approaches to the fabrication of novel materials for water purification and discusses several significant applications including removal of heavy metals and pharmaceuticals. This is a timely work of high interest to researchers and learners in the fields of water science, water management and materials science.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 374 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The (Februar 2024)
  • Forfattere: Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos og Miltiadis G. Zamparas
  • ISBN: 9781837670499

Billions of people globally live under conditions of water stress and water shortage, or with contaminated water sources. Anthropogenic contaminants pose an extra challenge as water purification technology must be constantly developed or upgraded to deal with newly fabricated pollutants.

One of the UN sustainable development goals is to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Therefore, it is vital to develop novel materials and technologies for producing clean drinking water in a human safe, economically reasonable and environmentally sustainable way.

Novel Materials and Water Purification introduces recent approaches to the fabrication of novel materials for water purification and discusses several significant applications including removal of heavy metals and pharmaceuticals. This is a timely work of high interest to researchers and learners in the fields of water science, water management and materials science.

Biomaterials for Water Purification: Dyes, Heavy Metals, and Pharmaceuticals;Sustainable Synthesis of Green Novel Materials for Water Purification;MXene-based Separation Membranes for Water Purification and Desalination;Advanced Nanomaterials for Removal of Emerging Organic Pollutants From Water;Magnetic Adsorbents/Photocatalysts for Water Purification: Progress and Challenges;Nanocellulose-based Membranes for Water Purification: Multifunctional Nanocellulose Extraction, Characterization, Modification Strategies, and Current Release in Water Treatment and Environmental Remediation;Graphene-based Materials for Water Remediation: Recent Advances on Pollutant Sorption, Photodegradation and Filtration;Responsive Polymeric Materials: Advances in Membrane-based Technologies for Water Treatment Processes;Graphene-based Engineered Macrostructures for Water Purification;Textile Azo Dye Removal Using a Quaternary Ammonium Anion Exchanger Prepared from Sugarcane Bagasse;Iron Oxide Nanomaterials for Water Purification;Factors Influencing TiO2-based Composites for Water Decolorization: A Systematic Review;Enviro-friendly Nanomaterial Synthesis and Its Utilization for Water Purification
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