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Viser: 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE)

4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE)

4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE)

Hikmatun Ni'mah, Jan Degreve, Manabu Shimada, Yi-Hsu Ju, Arshad Ahmad, Rendra Panca Anugraha, Fahmi Fahmi, Wahyu Meka, Mohammad Irwan Fatkhur Rozy, Annas Wiguno og Rizky Tetrisyanda
Sprog: Engelsk
Trans Tech Publications, Limited
1.829,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 172 sider
  • Udgiver: Trans Tech Publications, Limited (Januar 2024)
  • Forfattere: Hikmatun Ni'mah, Jan Degreve, Manabu Shimada, Yi-Hsu Ju, Arshad Ahmad, Rendra Panca Anugraha, Fahmi Fahmi, Wahyu Meka, Mohammad Irwan Fatkhur Rozy, Annas Wiguno og Rizky Tetrisyanda
  • ISBN: 9783036414959

This edition includes articles that were presented at the 4th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE 2022, October 26-27, 2022, Surabaya, Indonesia) and represents engineering research results in chemical engineering including biotechnologies, food technologies, wastewater treatment and some achievements in process systems development. The publication will be helpful to many specialists in chemical engineering.

Chapter 1: Food Chemistry and Biotechnologies The Effect of Sodium Sulfite with Varying Concentration on the Separation of Gliadin from Gluten Amylose Isolation of Cassava Starch with the Combination of High Shear Mixer and Centrifugation Treatment to Improve the Quality of Resistant Starch Type 3 (RS-3) Products Utilization of Oil Recovery Process on Spent Bleaching Earth into Non-Hazardous Waste Resistance of Paecilomyces variotii Mold Ascospores to Dense CO2and Dense CO2- Assisted Thermal Processing Potential of Using Fly Ash as an Additional Mixture for Planting Medium Utilizing Organic Waste for Biopesticide: Efficacy and Mortality Test against Spodoptera litura with Entomopathogenic Microorganisms Preparation of Sulfonated SiO2Catalyst from Geothermal Sludge Waste for Sago Flour Hydrolysis
Chapter 2: Wastewater Treatment Treatment of Laboratory Wastewater with High Sulfate Concentrations Using Eco-Enzyme as an Environment-Friendly Coagulant Removal of Cadmium from Aqueous Solution Using Composite Nanostructure Natural Zircon and Magnetite Particles (Fe3O4@ZrO2) as an Adsorbent Optimization Using Central Composite Design (CCD) on Cellulose Acetate/Polyethylene Glycol Composite Beads for Adsorption of Methylene Blue in Batch System Influence of Current Density for Pollutant Removal from Palm Oil Mill Effluent
Chapter 3: Process Systems Engineering Effect of Natural Gas Composition, Ratio of Methane-Steam and Methane-Air on Ammonia Products Process Simulation and Optimization of Heat Pump Assisted Distillation Based Condensate Stabilization Unit Production of Cu-EDTA, Zn-EDTA, CuZn-EDTA as a Micronutrient Fertilizer and its Application to Lettuce
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