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Viser: Transformational Sales - Making a Difference with Strategic Customers

Transformational Sales
Søgbar e-bog

Transformational Sales Vital Source e-bog

Philip Kotler, Marian Dingena og Waldemar Pfoertsch
Springer Nature
568,00 kr. 511,20 kr.
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Transformational Sales

Transformational Sales Vital Source e-bog

Philip Kotler, Marian Dingena og Waldemar Pfoertsch
Springer Nature
618,00 kr. 556,20 kr.
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Transformational Sales - Making a Difference with Strategic Customers, 1. udgave

Transformational Sales

Making a Difference with Strategic Customers
Philip Kotler, Marian Dingena og Waldemar Pfoertsch
Sprog: Engelsk
Springer International Publishing AG
569,00 kr. 512,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (September 2015)
  • Forfattere: Philip Kotler, Marian Dingena og Waldemar Pfoertsch
  • ISBN: 9783319206066
?Inspired by a new, transformative era in human and business relations, this book provides a unique perspective on the business transformation that results from the collaboration between suppliers and their strategic customers. It is all about guiding organizational change and business transformation, starting with sales itself. Companies choosing this approach can make a significant and meaningful difference with strategic customers, moving beyond the competition. By challenging existing business assumptions and creating new perspectives on the marketplace, organizations can increase value across traditional company borders, making the (business) world a better place in the process. Both thought-provoking and practical, this management book integrates academic insights, real life examples and best practices of business transformation. It is a must-read for business leaders aiming to make a difference. "Integrating with your strategic customers beyond a transactional sales relationship is key for shaping new markets, developing your brand, and leveraging your strategic relationships. If sales and profitability with strategic accounts are to grow beyond the average, a change in mindset from seeing sales as an “outside” to an “inside” job is required to truly create a win-win relationship. Kotler/Dingena/Pfoertsch’s “Transformational Sales” provides hands-on insights and tools needed for companies who truly want to achieve this transformation."  Marc Hantscher, CEO and President Asia-Pacific, BSH Home Appliances Pte. Ltd. Singapore "The more profoundly and systematically B2B companies familiarize themselves with and accommodate their customers’ functional, emotional and strategic needs, the more powerful they are on the market. Top brands are professionally and passionately tuned in to their customers. Sales, Project Management, Marketing, R&D, Production and Purchasing work in concert to drive customersuccess, always with an eye to the future. This book presents illustrative cases, highlighting how champions have scaled up their business."  Achim Kuehn, CMO Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau, Germany
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (September 2015)
  • Forfattere: Philip Kotler, Marian Dingena og Waldemar Pfoertsch
  • ISBN: 9783319206066R365
?Inspired by a new, transformative era in human and business relations, this book provides a unique perspective on the business transformation that results from the collaboration between suppliers and their strategic customers. It is all about guiding organizational change and business transformation, starting with sales itself. Companies choosing this approach can make a significant and meaningful difference with strategic customers, moving beyond the competition. By challenging existing business assumptions and creating new perspectives on the marketplace, organizations can increase value across traditional company borders, making the (business) world a better place in the process. Both thought-provoking and practical, this management book integrates academic insights, real life examples and best practices of business transformation. It is a must-read for business leaders aiming to make a difference. "Integrating with your strategic customers beyond a transactional sales relationship is key for shaping new markets, developing your brand, and leveraging your strategic relationships. If sales and profitability with strategic accounts are to grow beyond the average, a change in mindset from seeing sales as an “outside” to an “inside” job is required to truly create a win-win relationship. Kotler/Dingena/Pfoertsch’s “Transformational Sales” provides hands-on insights and tools needed for companies who truly want to achieve this transformation."  Marc Hantscher, CEO and President Asia-Pacific, BSH Home Appliances Pte. Ltd. Singapore "The more profoundly and systematically B2B companies familiarize themselves with and accommodate their customers’ functional, emotional and strategic needs, the more powerful they are on the market. Top brands are professionally and passionately tuned in to their customers. Sales, Project Management, Marketing, R&D, Production and Purchasing work in concert to drive customersuccess, always with an eye to the future. This book presents illustrative cases, highlighting how champions have scaled up their business."  Achim Kuehn, CMO Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau, Germany
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Hardback: 150 sider
  • Udgiver: Springer International Publishing AG (September 2015)
  • Forfattere: Philip Kotler, Marian Dingena og Waldemar Pfoertsch
  • ISBN: 9783319206059

​Inspired by a new, transformative era in human and business relations, this book provides a unique perspective on the business transformation that results from the collaboration between suppliers and their strategic customers. It is all about guiding organizational change and business transformation, starting with sales itself. Companies choosing this approach can make a significant and meaningful difference with strategic customers, moving beyond the competition. By challenging existing business assumptions and creating new perspectives on the marketplace, organizations can increase value across traditional company borders, making the (business) world a better place in the process. Both thought-provoking and practical, this management book integrates academic insights, real life examples and best practices of business transformation. It is a must-read for business leaders aiming to make a difference.

"Integrating with your strategic customers beyond a transactional sales relationship is key for shaping new markets, developing your brand, and leveraging your strategic relationships. If sales and profitability with strategic accounts are to grow beyond the average, a change in mindset from seeing sales as an "outside" to an "inside" job is required to truly create a win-win relationship. Kotler/Dingena/Pfoertsch's "Transformational Sales" provides hands-on insights and tools needed for companies who truly want to achieve this transformation."

 Marc Hantscher, CEO and President Asia-Pacific, BSH Home Appliances Pte. Ltd. Singapore

"The more profoundly and systematically B2B companies familiarize themselves with and accommodate their customers' functional, emotional and strategic needs, the more powerful they are on the market. Top brands are professionally and passionately tuned in to their customers. Sales, Project Management, Marketing, R&D, Production and Purchasing work in concert to drive customer success, always with an eye to the future. This book presents illustrative cases, highlighting how champions have scaled up their business."

 Achim Kuehn, CMO Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau, Germany

Introduction.- Driving Change with Strategic Customers.- Setting the Joint Transformation Agenda.- Guiding Customer Business Transformation.- Enabling Internal Transformation.- Undertaking the Transformative Journey.
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