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Viser: Social Goal-Objective Formation, Democracy and National Interest - A Theory of Political Economy under Fuzzy Rationality

Social Goal-Objective Formation, Democracy and National Interest - A Theory of Political Economy under Fuzzy Rationality

Social Goal-Objective Formation, Democracy and National Interest

A Theory of Political Economy under Fuzzy Rationality
Kofi Kissi Dompere
Sprog: Engelsk
Springer International Publishing AG
1.680,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 223 sider
  • Udgiver: Springer International Publishing AG (September 2016)
  • ISBN: 9783319382753
This book presents the development of a theory of social goal-objective formation and its relationship to national interest and social vision under a democratic decision-choice system with imperfect information structure. It provides a framework for the application of fuzzy logic and its mathematics to the analysis in resolving conflicts in individual preferences in the collective decision-choice space without violence. The book demonstrates how to use fuzzy logic and its mathematics in the study of economics, social sciences and other complex systems. It also presents the use of collaborative tools of opposites, duality, polarity, continuum in fuzzy paradigm with its logic, laws of thought and mathematics in developing a new approach to the theory of political economy in order to enhance the constructs of social decision-choice theory.
The Problem of Social Goal-Objective Formation in Democratic Societies of Collective Decision Choice System.- A Theory of Social Goal- Objective Formation.- Under Democracy and Approximate Reasoning.- The Dilemma in the Democratic Collective.- Decision-Choice System: The Games.- Coalition Formations And the Social Goal.- Objective Setting.- Fuzzy Rationality And Negotiated Equilibra of the Social Goal-Objective Set in the Political Economy.
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