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Viser: Radical Innovation Sprints - Finding Enexpected Solutions and Changing Industries

Radical Innovation Sprints - Finding Unexpected Solutions and Changing Industries, 1. udgave
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Radical Innovation Sprints - Finding Unexpected Solutions and Changing Industries Vital Source e-bog

Lars Simonsen og Karen Guldbæk Schmidt
Polyteknisk Forlag
223,00 kr.
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Radical Innovation Sprints - Finding Enexpected Solutions and Changing Industries, 1. udgave

Radical Innovation Sprints

Finding Enexpected Solutions and Changing Industries
Lars Simonsen og Karen Guldbæk Schmidt
Sprog: Engelsk
Polyteknisk Forlag
269,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Polyteknisk Forlag (Februar 2022)
  • Forfattere: Lars Simonsen og Karen Guldbæk Schmidt
  • ISBN: 9788750201151
If you want to make a breakthrough innovation - this is how you get started
Unexpected Solutions rarely emerge from industrial applied research, and that is a shame because this is where the ‘next big thing’ is hidden.
Taking offset in the assumption that relevant knowledge and technologies exists in the most unexpected places and contexts, we have devised a method – Radical Innovation Sprints – that can push new perspectives, ideas and technologies towards mature industries.
A Radical Innovation Sprint is a fast and in-expensive method for identifying, screening, and testing ideas that could radically impact or disrupt existing technologies and practices.
If you want to make a Radical Innovation Sprint yourself - this book has practical advice for you on how to do so.
We will share our reasons and thoughts behind the development and our real life experiences from conducting five Radical Innovation Sprint cycles with more than 50 projects.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • 124 sider
  • Udgiver: Polyteknisk Forlag (Februar 2022)
  • Forfattere: Lars Simonsen og Karen Guldbæk Schmidt
  • ISBN: 9788750201144
If you want to make a breakthrough innovation - this is how you get started
Unexpected Solutions rarely emerge from industrial applied research, and that is a shame because this is where the ‘next big thing’ is hidden. 
Taking offset in the assumption that relevant knowledge and technologies exists in the most unexpected places and contexts, we have devised a method – Radical Innovation Sprints – that can push new perspectives, ideas and technologies towards mature industries.    
A Radical Innovation Sprint is a fast and in-expensive method for identifying, screening, and testing ideas that could radically impact or disrupt existing technologies and practices.    
If you want to make a Radical Innovation Sprint yourself - this book has practical advice for you on how to do so.    
We will share our reasons and thoughts behind the development and our real life experiences from conducting five Radical Innovation Sprint cycles with more than 50 projects.   
Contents:   Preface                                Who are we?  Chapter 1: Why We Have Written This Book  Chapter 2: Changing the Game in Mature Industries   - Industrial Innovation – Applied research and associated ideation   - The value of research-based Idea Exploration  Chapter 3: Exploring for Unexpected Solutions with Radial Innovation Sprints  - What is Radical Innovation?   - What is a Radical Innovation Sprint?   - What do we expect from a Radical Innovation Sprint? Where is the research expertise?   - Finding the sprinters  Chapter 4: Radical Innovations Sprints – How We Do It, and Why   - The Radical Innovation Sprint cycle   -  Advertising and establishing new contacts  - Finding ideas   - Selecting ideas  - Working ideas – conducting the Sprint Celebrating results  - After the Radical Innovation Sprint Chapter 5: Cheerleading Radical Innovation Sprints   - Idea maturation support   - Sprint Support   - Event support  Chapter 6: A Practical Guide to Event Designs - A-Z Sessions  - Teaming and ideation Workshops Selection committee workshop Kick-off day - Celebration and Close-out Day Chapter 7: Making Your Own Sprint  Chapter 8: How Can We Help Each Other?
Who are we?
Chapter 1: Why We Have Written This Book
Chapter 2: Changing the Game in Mature Industries
- Industrial Innovation – Applied research and associated ideation
- The value of research-based Idea Exploration
Chapter 3: Exploring for Unexpected Solutions with Radial Innovation Sprints
- What is Radical Innovation?
- What is a Radical Innovation Sprint?
- What do we expect from a Radical Innovation Sprint? Where is the research expertise?
- Finding the sprinters
Chapter 4: Radical Innovations Sprints – How We Do It, and Why
- The Radical Innovation Sprint cycle
- Advertising and establishing new contacts
- Finding ideas
- Selecting ideas
- Working ideas – conducting the Sprint Celebrating results
- After the Radical Innovation Sprint
Chapter 5: Cheerleading Radical Innovation Sprints
- Idea maturation support
- Sprint Support
- Event support
Chapter 6: A Practical Guide to Event Designs
- A-Z Sessions
- Teaming and ideation Workshops Selection committee workshop Kick-off day
- Celebration and Close-out Day
Chapter 7: Making Your Own Sprint
Chapter 8: How Can We Help Each Other?
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