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Viser: Hydrodynamics Around Cylindrical Structures

Hydrodynamics Around Cylindrical Structures, 1. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Hydrodynamics Around Cylindrical Structures Vital Source e-bog

Fredsoe Jorgen
World Scientific Publishing
1.399,00 kr. 1.259,10 kr.
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Hydrodynamics Around Cylindrical Structures

Hydrodynamics Around Cylindrical Structures

B. Mutlu Sumer og Jørgen Fredsøe
Sprog: Engelsk
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd
699,00 kr. 629,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: World Scientific Publishing (Marts 1997)
  • ISBN: 9789812795748
This book discusses the subject of wave/current flow around a cylinder, the forces induced on the cylinder by the flow, and the vibration pattern of slender structures in a marine environment.The primary aim of the book is to describe the flow pattern and the resulting load which develops when waves or current meet a cylinder. Attention is paid to the special case of a circular cylinder. The development in the forces is related to the various flow patterns and is discussed in detail. Regular as well as irregular waves are considered, and special cases like wall proximities (pipelines) are also investigated.The book is intended for MSc students with some experience in basic fluid mechanics and for PhD students.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 530 sider
  • Udgiver: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd (September 2006)
  • Forfattere: B. Mutlu Sumer og Jørgen Fredsøe
  • ISBN: 9789812700391
This book discusses the subject of wave/current flow around a cylinder, the forces induced on the cylinder by the flow, and the vibration pattern of slender structures in a marine environment.The primary aim of the book is to describe the flow pattern and the resulting load which develops when waves or current meet a cylinder. Special attention is paid to circular cylinder. The development in the forces is related to the various flow patterns and is discussed in detail. Regular as well as irregular waves are considered, and special cases like wall proximities (pipelines) are also investigated.

  • Introduction and Basic Concepts

  • Scour Below Pipelines

  • Scour Around a Single Slender Pile

  • Scour Around a Group of Slender Piles

  • Examples of More Complex Configurations

  • Scour Around Large Piles

  • Scour Around Breakwaters

  • Scour at Seawalls

  • Ship-Propeller Scour

  • Impact of Liquefaction

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