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Viser: Retailing Management ISE

Retailing Management, 11. udgave

Retailing Management

Michael Levy, Barton A. Weitz og Dhruv Grewal
Sprog: Engelsk
McGraw-Hill Education
669,00 kr. 602,10 kr.
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Retailing Management ISE, 11. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Retailing Management ISE Vital Source e-bog

Michael Levy, Barton Weitz og Dhruv Grewal
599,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 11. Udgave
  • Paperback: 672 sider
  • Udgiver: McGraw-Hill Education (April 2022)
  • Forfattere: Michael Levy, Barton A. Weitz og Dhruv Grewal
  • ISBN: 9781265072469
Retailing Management, 11th Edition, highlights the many ways the retail industry has transformed and evolved over the past several years.

In keeping with market-leading tradition, the eleventh edition, focuses on key strategic issues with an emphasis on financial considerations and implementation through merchandise and store management. Strategic and tactical issues are examined for a broad spectrum of retailers, both large and small, domestic and international, selling both merchandise and services.

The authors focused on five important factors that delineate outstanding retailers:
- Use of big data and analytical methods for decision making
- Social media and mobile channels for communicating with customers and enhancing their shopping experience
- Issues involved in providing a seamless multichannel experience for customers
- Engagement in the overarching emphasis on conscious marketing and corporate social responsibility when making business decisions
- Impact of globalization on the retail industry.

The 11th edition features new chapter content exploring “Digital Retailing” by introducing the 7C framework, influencer marketing and discussing AI in retailing analytics. Coverage on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic specifically retailing strategy, customer buying behavior and supply chain management have also been added to showcase industry disrupters.

Additionally, new cases exploring Amazon’s Just Walk Out checkout technology, Wayfair's new technology to connect with its customers, and H&M’s digital strategy and has been incorporated to ensure currency.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the World of Retailing
Chapter 2: Types of Retailers
Chapter 3: Digital Retailing
Chapter 4: Multichannel and Omnichannel Retailing
Chapter 5: Consumer Behavior SECTION II: RETAILING STRATEGY
Chapter 6: Retail Market Strategy
Chapter 7: Financial Strategy
Chapter 8: Retail Locations
Chapter 9: Retail Site Location
Chapter 10: Information Systems and Supply ChainManagement
Chapter 11: Customer Relationship Management SECTION III: MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT
Chapter 12: Managing the Merchandise PlanningProcess
Chapter 13: Buying Merchandise
Chapter 14: Retail Pricing
Chapter 16: Human Resources and Managing the Store
Chapter 17: Store Layout, Design, and VisualMerchandising
Chapter 18: Customer Service

Detaljer om varen

  • 11. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: McGraw-Hill (Januar 2022)
  • Forfattere: Michael Levy, Barton Weitz og Dhruv Grewal
  • ISBN: 9781265586249
Retailing Management, 11th Edition, highlights the many ways the retail industry has transformed and evolved over the past several years. In keeping with market-leading tradition, the eleventh edition, focuses on key strategic issues with an emphasis on financial considerations and implementation through merchandise and store management. Strategic and tactical issues are examined for a broad spectrum of retailers, both large and small, domestic and international, selling both merchandise and services. The authors focused on five important factors that delineate outstanding retailers: - Use of big data and analytical methods for decision making - Social media and mobile channels for communicating with customers and enhancing their shopping experience - Issues involved in providing a seamless multichannel experience for customers - Engagement in the overarching emphasis on conscious marketing and corporate social responsibility when making business decisions - Impact of globalization on the retail industry. The 11th edition features new chapter content exploring “Digital Retailing” by introducing the 7C framework, influencer marketing and discussing AI in retailing analytics. Coverage on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic specifically retailing strategy, customer buying behavior and supply chain management have also been added to showcase industry disrupters. Additionally, new cases exploring Amazon’s Just Walk Out checkout technology, Wayfair's new technology to connect with its customers, and H&M’s digital strategy and has been incorporated to ensure currency. This text is the only retail management educational product in the market that offers an integrated digital learning platform, McGraw Hill - Connect. Connect allows students an interactive experience to demonstrate understanding of the key elements through our application-based activities, video cases, case analyses, marketing analytics toolkits and matching questions. Keep your course current by subscribing to the Levy/Weitz/Grewal Retailing Management blog (http://www.theretailingmanagement.com ), which brings current retailing management issues to your class, complete with discussion questions.
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