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Viser: Functions, Spaces, and Expansions - Mathematical Tools in Physics and Engineering

Functions, Spaces, and Expansions
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Functions, Spaces, and Expansions Vital Source e-bog

Ole Christensen
Springer Nature
815,00 kr. 733,50 kr.
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Functions, Spaces, and Expansions

Functions, Spaces, and Expansions Vital Source e-bog

Ole Christensen
Springer Nature
765,00 kr. 688,50 kr.
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Functions, Spaces, and Expansions - Mathematical Tools in Physics and Engineering, 1. udgave

Functions, Spaces, and Expansions

Mathematical Tools in Physics and Engineering
Ole Christensen
Sprog: Engelsk
Birkhäuser Boston
499,00 kr. 449,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2010)
  • ISBN: 9780817649807
This graduate-level textbook is a detailed exposition of key mathematical tools in analysis aimed at students, researchers, and practitioners across science and engineering. Every topic covered has been specifically chosen because it plays a key role outside the field of pure mathematics. Although the treatment of each topic is mathematical in nature, and concrete applications are not delineated, the principles and tools presented are fundamental to exploring the computational aspects of physics and engineering. Readers are expected to have a solid understanding of linear algebra, in Rn and in general vector spaces. Familiarity with the basic concepts of calculus and real analysis, including Riemann integrals and infinite series of real or complex numbers, is also required.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2010)
  • ISBN: 9780817649807R365
This graduate-level textbook is a detailed exposition of key mathematical tools in analysis aimed at students, researchers, and practitioners across science and engineering. Every topic covered has been specifically chosen because it plays a key role outside the field of pure mathematics. Although the treatment of each topic is mathematical in nature, and concrete applications are not delineated, the principles and tools presented are fundamental to exploring the computational aspects of physics and engineering. Readers are expected to have a solid understanding of linear algebra, in Rn and in general vector spaces. Familiarity with the basic concepts of calculus and real analysis, including Riemann integrals and infinite series of real or complex numbers, is also required.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Hardback: 266 sider
  • Udgiver: Birkhäuser Boston (Juni 2010)
  • ISBN: 9780817649791

This graduate-level textbook is a detailed exposition of key mathematical tools in analysis aimed at students, researchers, and practitioners across science and engineering. Every topic covered has been specifically chosen because it plays a key role outside the field of pure mathematics. Although the treatment of each topic is mathematical in nature, and concrete applications are not delineated, the principles and tools presented are fundamental to exploring the computational aspects of physics and engineering.

Readers are expected to have a solid understanding of linear algebra, in Rn and in general vector spaces. Familiarity with the basic concepts of calculus and real analysis, including Riemann integrals and infinite series of real or complex numbers, is also required.

Mathematical Background.- Normed Vector Spaces.- Banach Spaces.- Hilbert Spaces.- The Lp-spaces.- The Hilbert Space L2.- The Fourier Transform.- An Introduction to Wavelet Analysis.- A Closer Look at Multiresolution Analysis.- B-splines.- Special Functions.- Appendix A.- Appendix B.
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