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Viser: Physics of Continuous Matter - Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World

Physics of Continuous Matter, 2. udgave
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Physics of Continuous Matter Vital Source e-bog

B. Lautrup
CRC Press
738,00 kr.
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Physics of Continuous Matter, 2. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Physics of Continuous Matter Vital Source e-bog

B. Lautrup
CRC Press
639,00 kr.
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Physics of Continuous Matter - Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World, 2. udgave

Physics of Continuous Matter

Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World
B. Lautrup
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
750,00 kr. 675,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: CRC Press (Marts 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781439881033
Physics of Continuous Matter: Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World, Second Edition provides an introduction to the basic ideas of continuum physics and their application to a wealth of macroscopic phenomena. The text focuses on the many approximate methods that offer insight into the rich physics hidden in fundamental continuum me
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: CRC Press (Marts 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781439894200
Physics of Continuous Matter: Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World, Second Edition provides an introduction to the basic ideas of continuum physics and their application to a wealth of macroscopic phenomena. The text focuses on the many approximate methods that offer insight into the rich physics hidden in fundamental continuum me
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 696 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (Marts 2011)
  • ISBN: 9781420077001

Physics of Continuous Matter: Exotic and Everyday Phenomena in the Macroscopic World, Second Edition provides an introduction to the basic ideas of continuum physics and their application to a wealth of macroscopic phenomena. The text focuses on the many approximate methods that offer insight into the rich physics hidden in fundamental continuum mechanics equations. Like its acclaimed predecessor, this second edition introduces mathematical tools on a "need-to-know" basis.

New to the Second Edition
This edition includes three new chapters on elasticity of slender rods, energy, and entropy. It also offers more margin drawings and photographs and improved images of simulations. Along with reorganizing much of the material, the author has revised many of the physics arguments and mathematical presentations to improve clarity and consistency. The collection of problems at the end of each chapter has been expanded as well. These problems further develop the physical and mathematical concepts presented.

With worked examples throughout, this book clearly illustrates both qualitative and quantitative physics reasoning. It emphasizes the importance in understanding the physical principles behind equations and the conditions underlying approximations. A companion website provides a host of ancillary materials, including software programs, color figures, and additional problems.

Continuous Matter. FLUIDS AT REST: Pressure. Buoyancy and Stability. Hydrostatic Shapes. Surface Tension. SOLIDS AT REST: Stress. Strain. Hooke's Law. Basic Elastostatics. Slender Rods. Computational Elastostatics. FLUIDS IN MOTION: Continuum Dynamics. Nearly Ideal Flow. Compressible Flow. Viscosity. Channels and Pipes. Creeping Flow. Rotating Fluids. Computational Fluid Dynamics. BALANCE AND CONSERVATION: Mechanical Balances. Action and Reaction. Energy. Entropy. SELECTED TOPICS: Elastic Vibrations. Gravity Waves. Jumps and Shocks. Whirls and Vortices. Boundary Layers. Subsonic Flight. Convection. Turbulence. APPENDICES: Newtonian Mechanics. Cartesian Coordinates. Field Calculus. Curvilinear Coordinates. Thermodynamics of Ideal Gases. Answers to Problems. References. Index.
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