Springer bøger hos Polyteknisk Boghandel

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About Springer

Science, technology and medicine play an important role in our daily lives. With Springer at the top, these subjects are quite at home in our publishing houses.


Some of the most renowned scientists in the world are our authors. Alongside Springer, with offices in many of the world’s centers of knowledge, the Science / Technology / Medicine (STM) publishers Apress, BioMed Central, Humana, Key Curriculum Press, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag and others enjoy excellent professional reputations.


All in all, some 2,000 academic journals and around 6,500 new books are published each year – in Berlin, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, Vienna, Paris, London, Milan, Moscow, New York, Beijing, Tokyo and New Delhi. 90 percent of our publications appear on the market in English.