Viser: Introduction to Protein Science - Architecture, Function, and Genomics

Introduction to Protein Science - Architecture, Function, and Genomics, 2. udgave

Introduction to Protein Science

Architecture, Function, and Genomics
Arthur M. Lesk
Sprog: Engelsk
Oxford University Press, Incorporated
536,00 kr.
Bogen er udgået og er erstattet af nyere udgave

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  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 480 sider
  • Udgiver: Oxford University Press, Incorporated (Maj 2010)
  • ISBN: 9780199541300
Designed for students in biology, biochemistry, and biomedicine, Introduction to Protein Science, Second Edition, provides a wide-ranging introduction to the contemporary study of proteins in health and disease. The text describes basic principles of protein structure and methods for studying them, illustrates the wide variety of functions that proteins have, and shows how their structures and functions are closely linked.
Introduction to Protein Science, Second Edition, relates the study of proteins to the context of modern high-throughput data streams of genomics and proteomics. It also provides a balanced treatment of the relationship between computational and experimental methods. The text is enhanced by marginal notes, exercises, problems, and "weblems" that develop students' database and computational server skills. An updated and expanded Companion Website offers resources for students and instructors.
1. Introduction: Proteins in their Biological Context2. Fundamentals of Protein Structure3. Protein Structure Determination4. Structural Bioinformatics5. Proteins as Catalysts: Enzyme Structure, Kinetics, and Mechanism6. Protein Interactions and Assemblies7. Evolution of Protein Structure and Function8. Protein Folding, Engineering and Design9. Proteomics and Systems Biology10. Systems Biology of Proteins11. Proteins in Disease

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