We would like to hear from you..

Dear lecturer

Polyteknisk Boghandel are the DTU campus bookstore.

We are currently planning the next term start in order to ensure that the students will have access to the needed books and materials.

Therefore we would like to know from you, which books and/or other materials the students need to acquire for your courses.

In the Danish language mail you have received (or shortly will receive), we have listed the information on what was used the last time this course ran.

Please answer the mail (or mail us direct: boglisten@polyteknisk.dk) and provide this information:

  1. Will you use the same books / materials as last time?
  2. If no, which books / materials will be used?
  3. How many student do you expect for this course?
  4. Are you considering making your own custom printed notecollection / Compendium? We can help you with the process - just let us know your requirements.
  5. Do you plan on using own note-collections or compendiums?  We can help with the production of these - just let us know your requirements?

Thank you in advance for your fast response.

Best regards
Polyteknisk Boghandel
Rikke Matz



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Find Formlen

- vores egen formelsamling serie - udarbejdet af studerende for studerende og rettet mod dit DTU studie.


Find Formlen


Serien Find Formlen er udarbejdet af studerende der er langt i studiet og har været hjælpelærere i flere semestre og derfor præcist ved hvad der skal til.

De indeholder de vigtigste og hyppigst forekommende formler, som anvendes i den første del af studiet, og som det er nyttigt at have samlet i én overskuelig og let anvendelig oversigt.


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